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You don’t have to be a large company to have a VP of Ops or Supply Chain. With Ops Manager Now, you can afford  your own VP at a fraction of the cost

Interim Management

When we are hired we become part of your Ops “virtual VP” team. We work with you and your management team as well as the Ops and Supply Chain team. The process is dynamic and disruption free.

Our management approach does not require the full-time presence of  an Ops Manager Now consultant. Our focus is not on quantity of time but on quality. Communication is very important. With that in mind, we will:

  • Hold regular “staff” meetings to review progress, education and new company initiatives
  • Coach each Ops and Supply Chain person to focus on improvement in areas of need
  • Develop and implement operational dashboards
  • Are available by phone, email and on line meeting to assist and answer questions
